Hi, today am going to show you i solved a week one of Africa Digital forensic Competiton powered by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) which is third time now under their programme called GLOBAL PROGRAMME on CYBER CRIME

here we go


HashPotatos - (2 pts)

What is the SHA256 hash of the compressed Android data? answer: aeb95fe9ed2dabefef786c3dc620b0cd92255476c7a9be01049cb05d995a39f9

walkthrough : using sha256sum


EZTZ (5 pts)

What time zone was the phone set to? answer: GMT-4

walkthrough : After reading https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1742287614000449 under /data/property/persistent_properties you can find timezone which America/New_York


then search on google


Good Boy (5 pts)

What is the dog’s name? answer: winston

walkthrough : found a dog pic with filename 0kJ_0Gc-Kv_uKDso2Tuy75PvncM.cnt under User contect suspects section on autopsy, export it

also can be found at /data/media/0/DCIM/Camera where contain some pictures


zoom it


got name on his/her neck

KikIt (5 pts)

What user is the first listed in the suspect’s kik chat list? answer: thisisdfirtwo_dm7

walkthrough : under /data/data/kik.android/databases i exported the whole folder and look for kikDatabase.db


using DB browser » Browse Data » messagesTable


depend on chat you can see Hi! You're nice!I want to chat with you, but this app is glitchy because of the ads:( Add me as a friend in the new app It's completely free 😘 my nickname hotgirl23, i wait for you here

this kind of message is popular its like spam message

but under user [email protected] you can see there some suspicous in his message he was asking for pictures.

resources : https://belkasoft.com/kik-forensics

Party Hard (5 pts)

What was the name of the city that a suspect saw a concert in? answer: Raleigh

walkthrough : this about looking suspicious content like pictures, and i looked at /data/media/0/DCIM/Camera and found about concert pictures, so i just checked its metadata and found the city img

Prefer De’Fer (5 pts)

What is Thom De’Fer’s WhatsApp ID? answer : [email protected]

walkthrough : this about whatsapp Data so i looked on whatsapp database file open /data/data/com.whatsapp/databases/wa.db


RIP Charger (5 pts)

What date and time (in the phone’s local time) did the battery die? (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) answer: 2022-10-04 15:48:43

walkthrough : you can find android battery shutdown under /data/system/shutdown-checkpoints on file checkpoints-1664912923093


or by using ALEAPP


Something in a haystack (5 pts)

What is the name of the file with hash value ad1ee27a4e5bb35358e627266d721e4d? answer: pins

walkthrough : using hashdeep tools


&more&more (7 pts)

The suspect searched for a website, and then immediately visited the website. In the search URL what is the client paramater set to? answer: ms-opera-mobile

walkthrough : checking for history file /data/user/0/com.opera.browser/app_opera/History using DB browser » Browse Data » urls


Bankery (7 pts)

What is the value of the bank cookie? answer : F9T4Fzg7NWlSEAFp

walkthrough : you can find firefox cookies under

/data/user/0/org.mozilla.firefox/files/mozilla/torpxars.default/cookies.sqlite you can open it with DB sqlite browser to open it or using ALEAPP under firefox - Cookies tab you can search a word bank and this below will pop up


Keeping Secrets (7 pts)

The suspect appears to be using an enterprise encrypted chat program. What is the suspect’s password to the program? answ: dummyPassword

walkthrough : using Autopsy under credentials found


Routinely (7 pts)

What was the date of the last Whoop Cycle update? (YYYY-MM-DD) answer: 2022-11-05

walkthrough : under /data/user/0/com.whoop.android/databases/cycles.db contain cycles updates information, you can open using DB browser for sqlite

Too Many Apps (7 pts)

What was the last social media app to be installed on the suspects phone? answer: truthsocial

walkthrough : using ALEAPP in installed App i can see latest social APP installed was Truth Social


Vibin’ (7 pts)

The first incoming Viber call came from which number? answer : +19198887386

walkthrough : look at /data/user/0/com.viber.voip/databases/viber_data

or using ALEAPP under Viber Call Logs report


Who’s Calling (7 pts)

What is the suspect’s extra, fake phone number? answer : +19102484781

walkthrough : seems suspicious installed app for the second number and its data can be found under /data/user/0/com.adhoclabs.burner/databases/burners.db or using ALEAPP under Burner Number information


Connxon (10 pts)

What IP address was the suspect using on 2022-08-16? answer :

walkthrough : after some search i just found this message under Line app it says my account is used in another devices , luckly they collected IP adress and that was an answer, i used ALEAPP for this under Line -Messages tab


Dream Big (10 pts)

How much higher is Pac Man than the street? answer : 6.8

this was painful question i had no idea how to get but on next week i got hint that i should look on altitude , so that comes in mind that i should check pictures altitude, but how? here what i i did with try and error

walkthough first : i checked a pacman picture altitude


using exiftool

└─$ exiftool PXL_20220816_221104661.jpg | grep "GPS Altitude"
GPS Altitude Ref                : Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude                    : 128.1 m Above Sea Level

enter 128.1 as answer : i got incorrect

step 2 : from question “How much higher is Pac Man than the street?” well that means its their different from pacman to street but how? substitute a altitude ?

so i assumed the street is from this pic since it show outside


check its altitude

└─$ exiftool PXL_20220817_001701864.jpg | grep "GPS Altitude"
GPS Altitude Ref                : Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude                    : 121.2 m Above Sea Level


128.1 - 121.2 = 6.9

enter 6.9 as answer : got incorrect again

what now bruteforce? no way

step 3 : back to question again , now there other pics look like conference room maybe i should check them from there to the street, which is below


using exiftool

└─$ exiftool PXL_20220816_215313565.MP.jpg | grep "GPS Altitude"
GPS Altitude Ref                : Above Sea Level
GPS Altitude                    : 128 m Above Sea Level

well, looks like same floor on pacman picture now 128 - 121.2 = 6.8

enter the answer : CORRECT

that was real DREAM BIG as its name say

Proton Power (10 pts)

Who did [email protected] receive an email from? (email address) answer : [email protected]

walkthrough : i just checked on proton email and i found this email adress and that was answer and because it is the only account suspicious he was sending and receiving message in protonmail


Sudo Social (10 pts)

The suspect posted the attached picture to social media. Which social media network did they post it to?


answer : infosec.exchange

walkthrough : Took so long too on this question, but after time i looked on mastodon timeline i found the same pic ad above


url : https://media.infosec.exchange/infosecmedia/media_attachments/files/109/450/174/085/745/692/original/0df6c2fd3cce401d.jpg

since its mastodon a alias name of infosec.exchange the answer is infosec.exchange after try and error

final for week one

i have learnt alot about Android Forensic on this week, thanks to joshua and UNODC team for this competition

week Two - iphone Forensic soon ..



can be found here if you wanna play with it

WK01 Data: Android Dump (18GB)

since its big file, use torrent to avoid file to be broken when downloading using direct